The Seven Archangels and
the Presidential Election
from Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam)
Dear friends and beloved forum members,
I have received many emails from forum members asking for clarity on
the last communication. That is why I think it will be useful to
expand upon the communication.
We are all interconnected throughout the universe. We often act as
if we are separate from one another; in fact, we are representations
of a greater whole, a manifestation of a law of the universe that
binds us to one another. When we pray, we ask to be connected to the
Creator and his universal plan, linking us in harmony to all other
living beings. This is why we highly recommend that you take the
time to connect with your heart and pray for the world so that the
outcome of this election may create a greater platform for peace and
more healing in the world. It will also be very helpful if we
continue to pray for the 120 days that follow the election. Let us
pray because prayer is the breathing of the soul which brings help
from heaven. Let us pray so we may all go in this process in the
name of God. Anything done in the name of God brings blessings. It
is at the beginning of an action that we must pray in order to be
sure to embark on the best path with the best forces, so that
everything may come back as blessings on ourselves and on others.
Let us merge with the light of our hearts. For light is the symbol
of all that is purest, most powerful, most beautiful and most
sublime. Let us now embark on an exploration into the true meaning
of this time and unveil the reasons why we should all pray for the
many days and months to come.
The great hidden truth contained in the operation of
the seven Archangels, who stand for the expression of the mysterious
God force in nature, may forever remain a mystery to those who have
not yet realized the importance of the divine spiritual wisdom.
Divine justice operates through these seven Archangels and uses the
seven creative planets, which compose the karmic wheel to restore
harmony in all things. After King Solomon, son of King David,
ascended to the throne and the knowledge and wisdom he so fervently
desired was bestowed upon him by the Creator, he said: "I thank thee
O creator of the universe that thou has taught me the secrets of the
planets that I may knowest the times and seasons of things; the
secrets of men's hearts, their thoughts, and the nature of their
Being, thou gavest unto me this knowledge which is the foundation of
all my wisdom." It is that same secret understanding of the nature
of the seven planets that allows us to determine that President Bush
will be in his Mars period and Senator Kerry in his Saturn period
during this electoral process. And that same secret reveals that
Mars and Saturn are two of the seven creative planets which
correspond to the seven Archangels who sit before the throne of God
and whose magnetic influence radiates all over the Earth. Those who
have mastered that sacred science already know who is going to be
elected. In actuality, the seven creative planets have been the
outcome of the influence of the seven Archangels, who sit before the
throne of God. They are also responsible for the seven days of the
week, which exist throughout the world. It is written in the Zohar,
seven lights are there in the most high, and there dwell the most
ancients, the secret of secrets, the hidden of all hidden ones
Ain Soph. The magnetic influence of the seven Archangels who stand
forever before the throne, have helped the laws of God become known
on this earth long before human made his creeds and man made laws.
From the beginning of time through the very confines of
prehistoric days to present day, we find the influence of the seven
creative planets governed by these seven Archangels in every country
of the world. These Archangels direct and control the entire course
of life through the seven planetary bodies. This mysterious
energetic influence affects every sentient being in the universe.
The seven planets not only compose the karmic wheel; they set in
motion the universal laws that are responsible for the order and
regularity of everything in Heaven and on Earth. They ensure that we
comply with the natural laws, systems and order of things in the
universe to which we owe our very Being.
Everything on Earth and in Heaven contains meaning,
especially its secret and soul meaning, as well as its place and
number in the order of things, as decreed in the Heavenly design.
Every day of the week, every hour of the day has a corresponding
sacred meaning and number that governs its action, attesting to the
incredible regularity and organization of Heaven, which is beyond
By a hidden law of destiny over which man has no
control, President Bush will be in his Mars period and Senator Kerry
in his Saturn period, during the election day within a cosmic time
period where Uranus casts it presence. When you bring together Mars
and Saturn and Uranus during a waning moon, a challenging event will
often occur. Mars and Saturn are the two most challenging planets
known in the entire spiritual kingdom. This is why the country seems
to be so divided, and predicting the outcome of this particular
election appears to be so difficult. Mars and Saturn are two of the
seven creative planets which correspond to the seven Archangels who
sit before the throne of God and whose magnetic influence radiates
all over the Earth. They initiate the karmic wheel.
Turning to the more mysterious or hidden influences
indicated by Mars and Saturn, they have a most peculiar spiritual
symbolism, giving clear warning of a strange challenge. Saturn and
Mars are also symbolic of the unknown, the unexpected, cautioning
prudence and patience. Therefore one should pray to advert their
fatalistic tendencies when under the influence of these two planets.
The presence of Uranus in this Age of the glory of self, increases
the fatalistic indication given by Mars and Saturn.
The spiritual symbolism of Saturn is represented by the
figure of justice, with a sword pointing upwards and a balance or
scales in the left hand. It is mainly characterized by difficulty,
delay and obstacles. Saturn is the symbol of mystery, which causes
the people it rules to be misunderstood. They work hard and strive
earnestly to carry out their dream, yet their plans usually meet
with opposition. However, if they spend time developing their
spiritual side, people ruled by Saturn can overcome any challenge,
making the impossible possible. Mars is personified as a strong
masculine figure dressed as a warrior and riding a ram. Mars is the
symbol of war and power, which, if wrongly used, will bring
destruction. Both the job of Mars, the lord of war, and Saturn, the
lord of karma, is to create karmic balance through challenging
circumstances. Therefore, the two presidential candidates have the
opportunity to overcome enormous challenges at the present time.
Challenges, or hard luck, which are the activity of
Saturn or Mars, are a manifestation of a law over which one has no
control. Conversely, good luck, or the activity of the Sun (fame),
Jupiter (glory and wealth) or Venus (love) is the manifestation of
the law that causes personal convenience. In Universal Kabbalah you
will learn that each one of us has a primary, secondary, tertiary,
quaternary, quinary, senary, and septenary planet that combine to
determine the blessings and challenges that we will grow through
from our first breath to our last. In other words, human beings have
a combination of planets that govern their existence, giving them
blessings and obstacles so that they may develop their spirituality.
A spiritual law dictates that the application of any
given force affects all the orders in the object to which it is
applied, whichever of those orders is directly affected. This
indicates that the spiritual seeds planted during the election of
the United States, which is the leading country of the world, will
affect everyone on earth. Since we are all interconnected and live
on one earth, this election affects not only the United States, but
the whole planet. It represents the seed of an event that will
produce a tree in 2012. Seeding is one of the greatest principles of
the Rose Croix Kabbalists; Seed is a germ or power from which a
being grows. A seed represents the birth or blossoming of a force
within the world. Everything is in the seed. There are seeds of
elementals, minerals, plants, animals, and humans. In Kabbalah the
seed is called Aleph. It is the beginning. The beginning controls
the end. All your power is at the beginning of an action. The
important thing here is that the electoral process which is the seed
of the event is taking place for President Bush and Senator Kerry,
while they are respectively in their Mars and Saturn periods. This
is happening at their karmic periods in a karmic time. The beginning
determines the end. If you cannot see the tree in the seed, you
cannot see God in this world. The beginning of an act is the most
important moment of all. For it allows you to know the nature of the
forces that are being triggered and the consequences that will
follow from the action undertaken.
Many have written to ask how to mitigate and transform
the influence of a fatalistic planet in their lives. In truth, the
universe is governed by immutable laws. The law of the seven
Archangels are immutable cosmic laws that are final and entirely
different from man made laws and operate on an unknown plane. God,
the great Architect of the universe, effected the manifestation of
certain laws that they might operate towards a certain end. In our
limited ability to understand these laws, we are even more limited
in our ability to perceive their outcome since we can only
comprehend a fraction of the original intelligence, God, who
instituted these principles.
People give little thought to their place in the
universe, or are seldom conscious of the manifestation of the laws
of the seven Archangels, unless these laws interrupt their human
lives or create an inward crisis that brings them to their
attention. It is important to keep in mind that we live in a
purposeful universe governed by a superior intelligence. And the law
of the seven Archangels is a cosmic and absolutely just law that is
immutable until the purpose is fulfilled. Divine justice is
indicated by the fact that the law of the seven Archangels operating
through the seven creative planets will continue to operate toward
their end whether or not every man and woman understand them or even
works with them. One cannot change the laws of the seven Archangels,
because they work for a purpose which is much more important and
much more significant in the entire cosmic scheme than our little
You can work with the law of the seven Archangels so as
to improve your health, your love relationship, and your life. These
are fully covered in the books: The Divine Doctor, The Alchemy of
Love Relationships, and Lifting the Veil. The manifestation of the
laws of the seven archangels affects everyone. They are the reason
why the universe moves in such order and harmony. They are not only
the ruling laws of this Age, but also, they will be visibly active
in our lives, all the way to 2012 and beyond. When we work with them
to understand them, we automatically receive help from heaven.
Therefore, if we have gained an insight that makes it possible for
us to enter into a deeper relationship with these laws, then we must
compensate for the benefits that we have gained. For example, if we
are fortunate in business, money matters, or health, then we should
strive through our own effort of sharing our gains to make it
possible to truly assist others who are not as fortunate, and who
desire similar goals as ours. It is important to remember that we
are all interconnected throughout the whole universe. We should stop
acting as if we are separate from one another. By serving others we
are helping ourselves.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the presence of
the two pentagrams in the month of October, right before this
election time brings to light the importance of the Christic
mysteries. These events will affect us for the many years to come.
They presage the fact that there is a new and great force emerging
in our world, a force that evokes the Christic energy that lives
within our very souls, and which manifests in all the great and
wonderful occurrences of our lives. For before the Fall, human
beings had the faculty to perceive and understand the hidden,
eternal truths via an inner spiritual organ. This organ was given to
us as a result of our incorruptibility and immortality. After the
Fall, when we rendered ourselves mortal and corruptible, we received
the outer organs we now call the five senses. This envelope of
senses is truly a corruptible substance found in our blood, forming
the fleshly bonds that bind our immortal spirits, making them the
servants of our mortal flesh. Indeed, at present, our inner faculty
is enveloped in gross matter to the extent that the external eye
cannot see into the spiritual realms, we are deaf to the sounds of
the metaphysical world, and our speech has been paralyzed so that we
can barely stammer the words of sacred import. These are the words
that were once ours, and through them we held sway over the
elemental forces and the external world. Therefore, we must learn
the heavenly science in order to develop the lost inner faculty that
allows us to perceive the hidden, eternal truths. Now is the time
for the greater truths concerning the nature of our divine spiritual
wisdom at this moment in history to be shared and expanded upon
throughout the world. Moreover, the Divine has ordained its usage so
that the promise of great transformation can be brought about
exactly at this time; we have held this space in time for worldwide
healing since the beginning of ages past.
It is for this reason as well as many others that you
will soon read about, that we have sent you the "I Am Meditation"
along with the last communication entitled "The Heavenly Pentagram".
For the sake of convenience we have also included them with this
Let us pray during these complex times so that we may
receive blessings from Heaven and gracefully face the challenges of
our personal and collective destiny. Let us pray for all, for
ourselves and for this process. We must pray so as to dwell in the
shelter of Heaven, so we may rest in the shadow of the Luminous
Beings and feel our connection to them. For prayer is the power that
all human beings have by birthright; when we speak the Word, the
Luminous Beings may act on the physical world through the invisible
world. We must also keep in mind that if every prayer were answered,
we would have more misery, more inconvenience, and more trouble than
currently exists; therefore, pray wisely, and for the best interest
of all. Prayer is the simplest act, its impact seems invisible, yet
it can accomplish everything. It is the heavenly power that
transforms all misfortune into delight, because it is a godly act
from the heart. Blessed is the man or woman who practices with the
Word and makes the Lord their trust. Those who pray shall inherit
the land of light, and shall delight in the abundance of peace.
"I Am Meditation"
Your chest is
a great ocean of energy. In it you find the heart. The peace for
which every soul strives and which is the true nature of God and the
utmost goal of man is found in the heart, or by following the heart.
The source of every truth is hidden in every human's heart. The
heart is the seat of life, and life is the outcome of harmony. The
whole secret of creation is harmony. The harmony of the universe is
life itself. And it is life that every one desires. It is life that
is the real source of healing. The temple of God resides in the
heart. It is the essence of all beings, the progressive, higher self
within the self. Always throbbing, always beating, the heart is the
ultimate chanter. And the beat of the heart is the rhythm of your
soul. The heart chants continuously, relating to the presence of God
- the Creative force that continues, uninterrupted. This
relationship is perfectly balanced and harmonious. Whether or not
you pay attention to it, the heart beats on. The beauty herein is
that the moment your heart stops beating, you are released from this
world of illusion called Maya. Unfortunately, mankind has replaced
the precious internal temple of the heart with the external exterior
form of worship. This is a grave error. We must not lose the temple
that is the heart. These types of exercises can enable you to align
your mental, astral, and physical bodies so that you can become
aware of the true, initial cause of imbalance and illness. This, in
turn, will provide you with an opportunity to empower and heal
yourself by seeking out those situations and persons in your life
that need to be addressed and tended to in order to reach a healing
point of resolution. The first part of this "I Am Meditation" is an
empowering, healing exercise designed to cleanse the lymph glands
and the lungs in the upper chest and help you prevent breast cancer
and heart attack. It also helps to balance the right and left
hemispheres of the brain because the hands are the servants of the
brain. The benefits of this meditation are both physical and
Step I. 3 Minutes - Warm-up
Sit as calmly as you can, in any posture that does not cause pain.
Relax the arms at the sides with the palms facing forward. As
rapidly as possible, alternately bend the elbows so that the
forearms come up toward the heart center. Do not bend the wrists or
hands, and do not touch the chest. As you proceed with this
movement, the arms will begin to feel as if they are moving
automatically. Try to maintain a balance in the rhythmic motion of
your hands. If your hands hit each other, it means that this balance
has been upset. After a couple of minutes you may feel sweat on your
forehead. Do this first part for at least three minutes.
Step II. 11 Minutes
Put your hands on your heart, listen to your heart beat and feel
like you are at home. You are resting in the center of your self.
Chant along with "I Am I Am" on the Sounds of the Ether CD.
As you chant I Am, feel it in the depth of your soul. Connect with
this Divine flame of light that burns within yourself, and let it
shine forth and welcome all that is good, all that is healing, all
that will aid humankind and its growth in this world. Connect with
your heart so that this Divine candlelight may burn brightly,
holding your mind, body and spirit, so that these things of goodness
and of love may come to you, and God in all his wisdom may guide you
towards those healing paths that you are meant to walk.
Step III: Send love, peace, and light to the world.
Be on the lookout for details on how the Prayer of Love, Peace and
Light can be used to help the world. We will send you more
information shortly.
Incorporate the "I Am" exercise and meditation into your daily
spiritual practice. It is an excellent addition. Recite this sacred
sound as you face East towards the rising Sun that is symbolic of
the Fountain of Light. This should be done on a daily basis for the
remainder of 2004. It will connect you with your heart, illumine
your soul, and align you with the Divine.
If you so desire, in addition to the above exercise and
meditation, you can combine with your practice some of the sacred
sounds found on Rootlight's Sacred Music CD series, as they will
greatly improve certain aspects of your life. Specifically, use the
Ra Ma Da Sa CD to bolster your physical health. In order to
increase and expand on the opportunities that come into your life,
use the second track of the latest Green House CD. The first
track of the Triple Mantra CD offers you protection and
strength in the face of challenges. The first track of the Soul
Trance CD eases anxiety and depression, and initiates emotional
healing. And finally, the first track of the Heaven's Touch
CD bestows grace and blessings.
The Heavenly Pentagram in the Sky
As we mentioned above, we are resending the link
to the last communication because it contains a message of great
importance, providing mankind with greater understanding and clarity, with
greater truth, with a greater conscious tangible connection to the energy
and presence of the Christic mysteries and the Divine so that we may
recognize more fully the "I Am I Am" within ourselves and the part that
each one of us and the Christic force that we carry in our hearts, have to
play in the unfoldment and future development of the Earth and our own
consciousness and race.
Click here to read the complete communication.
In the days and months to come,
I wish you love, peace, and light.
If you desire to
obtain the books and CDs mentioned in the text please visit
click here to visit our online store.
can also call us call at 1 888 852 2100 (USA only)
or 212 769
8115 (international).
Feel free to share
with others so we may increase the outpouring of healing light to
the earth.
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