The Medicine of the Higher World from Universal Kabbalah Master Joseph Michael Levry
Dear friends and beloved members,
The highest symbol of immense power ever known in the entire spiritual kingdom, is used in the transcendental healing system of Harmonyum. All symbols of the gnosis, all figures of spirituality, all Kabbalistic keys of prophecy are resumed in this particular symbol. It is not only the sign of absolute and universal synthesis, but also, it is used in the Magnum Opus. We use this sacred and potent symbol in Harmonyum, so that the Eternal Creator and Preserver of all Beings, may grant humankind, the Healing, Liberation and the Return to the Initial Pleroma, by integrating them into the bosom of the Archetype.
Harmonyum provides the practical means whereby the spiritual forces that underlie the universe and permeate the entire nature of man can be utilized to create a new and healthy body by eradicating the weaknesses that inhabit the original body. This method directly works with the laws of the universe to initiate the force of reconstruction as it occurs in nature. Harmonyum creates mental illumination, emotional clarity and the true understanding of the heart that surpasses the intellect. This divine healing system born from Universal Kabbalah, works with the imperishable, immortal spiritual substance of an individual to propagate healing order within the perishable body. It heals with the principles of wisdom, truth and love by awakening and enlivening the inactive soul and restoring life to that which has become deadened in our bodies, minds and hearts. This can only be accomplished through the spirit of light, through He who is the wisdom and love and light of the world, and who will become your spirit and your light one day. He was the combination of all the specialized perfections of the divine agents, of the ancient alliance, into one. He bestowed the touch of perfect unity that opened a new door and destroyed the number of the slavery of humanity. Harmonyum awakens the divine healing flame in the heart. Those in whom this holy flame has been reanimated truly live a blessed existence filled with love, peace and light. We become unhappy and diseased when we live with a dark veil over our eyes which cuts us off from the knowledge of higher truths. Our hearts then suffer within the bonds of earthly, corporeal matter to which we are resigned, creating even stronger bonds with our animal, physical desires, as opposed to the healing pleasures of the higher spiritual worlds. Human beings can experience permanent healing and happiness only when the veil which obstructs divine light falls from their eyes. This divine healing system works via the astral body to heal difficulties in the earthly realm by cutting through the veil of darkness just as an invincible conqueror slaughters the enemy. When you are enslaved by the seven negative karmic influences in your life, you cannot enjoy a moment of peace. Their insinuating, noxious presence will eat you alive. When you receive Harmonyum, you gain the power to cope realistically with life and are receptive to positive thoughts and actions that help you to live righteously so that time and space can serve you and improve your life. This process will help you gain access to experiences and potential life lessons of many previous lifetimes.
Harmonyum is truly a great and highly beneficial healing system for our time, which heals by the way of the greater light that leads us, the children of the heart, to enlightenment. The benefits of this transcendental healing system are unlimited, as it allows us to receive help and guidance from the spiritual realm of light; therefore, our capacity for healing becomes equally unlimited. Harmonyum increases the tide of pranic flow of the body, raises your energetic vibration and strengthens your energy so as to wash away dirt and negativity that have accumulated within you. When your energy is strong, it is difficult for any negative force to gain entrance. In truth, negativity cannot remain in the presence of high vibrations. This healing system steadies the nerves so that nothing can bother you or deter you from your higher goals. It makes the mind clear and decisive, helping you to create your destiny rather than succumbing to your fate. Harmonyum brings calmness, relaxation, increased concentration and heightened vitality, causing the etheric energy to flow more freely in your body. As a result, you start attracting other people around you. You become a center of light. Learn and work with this transcendental healing system so that it may lead you to a state of ecstasy, taking you within yourself so that you may consciously experience your own inner beauty. Harmonyum takes you to the higher realm of glory, so that you may experience and heal through the light of the soul. It will make your days bright and full of light.
The Rootlight Team
Harmonyum Training and Certification with Joseph Michael Levry
Harmonyum I & II
Training Weekend (by reservation only)
Harmonyum III
Training Weekend
For registration and complete weekend details please contact us directly:
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