Naam New Year's Eve Celebration and Spiritual Practice for a Blessed 2014
from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

Dear beloved members of our worldwide community,
In the beginning of the year, all spiritual powers are made available to us so that we may set new forces in motion in a healing and positive direction. New Year's Eve is crucial, then, in order to maximize upon this powerful spiritual period. In order to unlock the secrets of the coming year, you must meditate on the important impact New Year's Eve can have on the coming year. When you vibrate Naam, you exercise the part of yourself that is Divine. You bare your heart and soul, and experience feelings of great joy. A spiritual beginning to the New Year will help you make the best of it, so begin the New Year by lighting the candle of your heart with Naam on New Year’s Eve. By doing so, you will see clearly where you are going and what you are doing. Begin the New Year by spending your New Year's Eve in peace and harmony. This New Year's Eve, unite yourself to the Creator by dedicating the New Year to Him through Naam.

The sacred wisdom of Universal Kabbalah states that everything you do in the first 32 days of a new year will determine the kind of year you will have. Both what you do, and how you work with the constructive forces of the Universe, will be extremely important during this time. Furthermore,  what you invest your energy in during the transitional period that begins on New Year's Eve and continues into the early hours of the first day of the year, will establish the blueprint for the entire  year. By vibrating Naam as you enter into the first hour of the year, you turn the first day of the year into a magnetic day whose positive influence will be projected into the remaining 12 months. Naam will take over and lead you to a naturally well-balanced, orderly, harmonious 2014 through its positive influence. The impact of vibrating Naam as 2013 becomes 2014 is intensified by vibrating Naam in a group. When we come together with open hearts to vibrate Naam at the very start of the new year, we create a powerful buffer of protection in our energy field against all manner of disturbances, even natural occurances like sunstorms, solar flares and geomagnetic storms that are projected to peak in the coming year.

According to the latest scientific evidence, the 11-year cycle of the Sun will hit "solar maximum" by early 2014 and the number of solar flares, that can threaten technology, especially electrical grids, is likely to increase. As human beings, we ourselves are sensitive, biological, electrical networks, the activity of which forms the foundation of all neurological functions. Our nervous system, then, is acutely aware of the bombardment of varying levels of radiation emitted from the Sun. When we peek through to the unseen world around us, we can clearly see the miraculous, magical nature of Naam, for by vibrating Naam together in a large group we cause the positive, mental elementals, those conscious, genii-like nature-forces to become our army of light, so that they may not only shield us from solar storms, but help crystallize and carry out our heartfelt desires. This is important, because solar storms can disrupt our feelings of wholeness, focus and sense of purpose causing us to wander in all directions and knock on all doors, while never achieving anything worthwhile. Many are not conscious of these influences and end up spending a great deal of time putting themselves "back together". This is why working with Naam is critical during this period of the year; it has the power to heal all and make miracles of the rarest form.

Join us for a special Naam New Year's Eve celebration so that you may clear the way ahead of all useless and dangerous debris. Vibrate Naam and practice Naam Yoga so that you may come into contact with the warm, luminous, vivifying power of Naam. Work with Naam on New Year's Eve and the days that follow so that you may receive the powerful, rich, living rays of Heaven and store them up in the cells of your brain and solar plexus, that reservoir of energy upon which you can draw in order to accomplish your daily tasks. Establish contact with the pure energies of the Universe this New Year's Eve and beyond through Naam, and absorb their healing Light.

Ad Rosam Per Crucem and the Spiritual Practice for 2014
Specific Meditations for December 31st, 2013 & the Next 32 Days

We have arrived at one of the greatest moments in history, when vibrating or listening to a Divine formula such as AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM is crucial. Working with this mantra is a potent way to work with the Light, and absorb it in a pure and powerful form. AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM is a heart opening energy of healing, peace, happiness and joy that you begin to sense coming alive in your own body as you continue to work with it consistently.

AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM alchemically transforms our moon, also known as the soul, into the Sun, or our inner Christ. Indeed, with AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM, the bud of your soul blooms into a fragrant rose within your body. In other words, AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM causes the rose of the Spirit to bloom upon the cross of the body so that the lead of our personality can be transmuted into the gold of Spirit. Then, we are able to accept Divine Light and Warmth, and bear the new fruit of the Tree of Life in the service of healing the weaknesses of contemporary humankind. Our highest spiritual understanding is rooted in our lowest impulses, which is the serpent. Always keep in mind that The Great Work is about transforming the imperfections of our human nature into their opposite qualities, because the best way to improve the world is to first improve ourselves. AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM is an alchemical formula that helps to do just that, because it is an alchemical formula that can transform base metals into gold.

AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM AD CRUCEM PER ROSAM translates as “to the rose by way of the cross, to the cross by the way of the rose”. This means that in order to ascend from the cross, we must connect with the rose in the heart. Through the crucifixion of the fallen ego, and body of pain, we attain spiritual rebirth. It is through the soul that we attain the mastery of physical existence, and through the body that we raise our objective consciousness to final attunement with the Divine mind. The rose, nourished by the light of understanding, represents man’s Divine inner, higher consciousness unfolding as it is crucified in the body.

It is crucial that we connect to our soul by working with the Kabbalah rose to become a conduit through which the light of the Sun may shine. The Path of the Rose is the path of practical mysticism. By contemplating the Divine Self within, we broaden our consciousness so as to realize that the real part of who we are is but a small part of all of the real expression in the universe. We are not separated from the rest of humanity. Rather, we are an inseparable segment of the universal soul, and we must spread Divinity through our presence and the acts of our being.
Giving is one such act.

AD ROSAM PER CRUCEM along with the following mantras will take care of you. They will clear away astral debris and all unwanted influences from your life while helping you attract and maximize on opportunities aligned with your highest destiny. We invite you to practice this complete set in a group or by yourself on December 31st. Thereafter, you may choose to incorporate this series into your personal practice for the next 32 days.

Part I - Tuning In: Gurur Brahma
To prepare, put your hands in Prayer Pose at the heart center to create neutrality in the magnetic field. Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply. With each inhale welcome the breath, and with each exhale send all sickness out of the body. The longer and deeper you breathe, the lighter, brighter and more beautiful you will feel. Slow and deep breathing automatically gives you back control of your mind. Once this occurs, your positive, hidden subconscious desires, such as being healthy, strong and prosperous, are given a chance to manifest. As your heartfelt prayers begin to project out of you, the body creates the environment needed to crystallize them. When you feel ready, tune in with one complete recitation of Gurur Brahma:

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu,
Gurur Devo Maheshwara.
Guru Shakshat Para Brahma,
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah.

The guru (teacher) is Brahma (the creator of the universe),
The guru (teacher) is Vishnu (the protector of the universe),
The guru (teacher) is Shiva (the destroyer of the universe),
The guru (teacher) is the supreme Divinity (the soul of the world).
To that guru (teacher) I bow.

To end, inhale deeply and exhale fully three times. Now you are ready to begin.
Suggested Music: Primal Vibrations CD 1, Track 3

Comments: Gurur Brahma is a Sanskrit prayer that connects you to the Light of all the teachers on the astral and Divine planes, up to the ultimate Teacher. It originates from the Guru Gita, which is a part of a larger Sanskrit text called the Skanda Purana, compiled between the 6th and 15th centuries.

Note: For Parts II through VI move swiftly from one meditation to the next to create a continuous Naam Chain of Light. As you continue with each meditation, try to keep your eyes closed and focused on the mid-brow point or slightly open, gazing at the tip of the nose.

Part II: Triple Mantra for Protection
Bend the elbows and bring the arms close to the body with your hands at shoulder level, palms open and facing forward. Continue for 11 minutes. If you can, inhale in four segmented breaths before each vibrating each verse.
Suggested Music: Triple Mantra CD, Track 1

Part III: Aap Sahaaee Hoaa for Purity
Interlace the fingers in front of the heart center, extending the index fingers up. Cross the thumbs. This hand position is called Sarab Shakti mudra. Please refer to page 79 of the book "The Code of the Masters" for details. Continue for 15 minutes.
Suggested Music: Golden Shield CD, Track 1

Part IV: Gobinday Mukanday for Spiritual Strength
Hook the index fingers of each hand together at the level of the heart, the arms are parallel to the floor. Generate a light pulling pressure on each finger and let the index fingers remain hooked for the duration of the meditation. Maintain a straight spine and relax the shoulders. Inhale in eight segmented breaths and vibrate Gobinday Mukanday Udaray Aparay Hariang Kariang Nirnamay Akamay 3 times on the exhale. Continue for 11 minutes.
Suggested Music: Pure Naam CD, Track 1

Comments: This Guru Gayatri mantra was given by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. It is especially important as it takes away fear and strengthens your faith in the Spirit so that you may overcome even the gravest of challenges. This mighty prayer will remove bad luck from your life and inspire the intellect to do the right thing no matter the circumstance. The power of this particular Naam is unmatched in its ability to provide a pathway out of any darkness for it is a custodian of the brightest Light. It is said that it is a mantra of immortality: whosoever shall chant it will be protected by the primal power of creation.

This Sarab Shakti mantra has the power of the four Vedas, six Puranas and 36 Simritis. It increases intellectual power and concentration, bestows wealth and leadership, helps those faced with health challenges and is an impenetrable defense against all animosity, known and unknown. All of those who vibrate it from their hearts are immediately protected by the Shield of Heaven. Working with Gobinday Mukanday will cause you to have a direct connection with the supreme Lord and be blessed as a result.

Part V: Guru Ram Das to Synchronize your Energy
*Begin a few minutes before Midnight to ensure you are chanting when the clock strikes twelve.)
For this meditation, bring your hands in Prayer Pose. Continue for 11 minutes.
Suggested Music: Heaven's Touch CD, Track 1

Comments: Guru Ram Das will burn away all physical, mental and spiritual impurities while synchronizing your energy with time and space. It will open your Soul to Divine Power so that you have the strength to overcome any challenge.

Part VI: Ad Rosam Per Crucem Ad Crucem Per Rosam
Bring the hands on your heart, right over left or extend the arms out to your sides at a 45 degree angle with the palms facing up so that you form a wide "V" shape. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, suspend the breath and tighten the body. Exhale powerfully. Inhale again, hold the breath and exhale. Inhale very deeply as you stretch your arms above your head and suspend the breath. Exhale and shake out your hands. 
Suggested Music: Forever Naam CD, Track 1

Part VII: The Prayer of Light to Bless Yourself and the World
Bring your hands in Prayer Pose and recite the Prayer of Love, Peace and Light to send these healing vibrations out into the universe. For complete words and translations, please click here.

These sacred mantric prayers will cause you to walk towards God. As you take one step towards the Divine, the Divine shall walk a thousand steps towards you.

with Love, Peace and Light,
Rootlight Team


Spiritual New Year's Eve Celebration at Naam Yoga LA

with Dr. Joseph Michael Levry
Join us as we usher in the New Year with the sweet joy of Naam!
Click here for complete details!



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