Mantra Testimonials
There is no power on this planet greater
than the word.
It is in fact by the power of word, in the
word, and through the word that all things
seen and unseen, have been created. Sound
keeps the universe in balance. Without it,
the whole universe would fall apart and
disappear. There is nothing beyond it, there
shall be nothing beyond it, and there was
nothing beyond it.
Sound is not only the mother of Light, but
it also creates life. Through listening or
chanting mantras, you can move from darkness
to light, from negativity to positivity,
from duality to divinity. Mantra is a the
healing love that flows from heaven and a
divine shield that protects us. It is only
by mastering a mantram or the holy nam, that
we move from the gross to the subtle, and
from the subtle to the infinite. Mantram
Siddhim Pareshram. By perfection of the
mantram, God will serve one perfectly.
Light of Light in the Hereafter
I just wanted to let you know how much the
Lumen de Lumine CD has helped me recently.
My best friend of 16 years passed away the
week before Thanksgiving, leaving me so
devastated. It was a sudden death...and I am
still reeling from this emotionally. I came
across your website and of all the titles,
this one (Lumen de Lumine) jumped out at me,
so I ordered it but did not play it for
about two weeks. After that time, I began to
play it. It is so beautiful, sometimes I cry
and sometimes I do not and when I am home I
play it very frequently. It is helping, but
what I really want to share is this: I have
recently had a mediumship reading done by
Michael Wheeler of Australia (He is
considered Australia's best). He is so
accurate and what came through from my loved
ones (parents, grandparents, others) was
overwhelming for me. But what was truly
special was that my friend Len told Michael
to say "thank you to me for the music that I
played over and over with the guitar".
Naturally, Michael thought I played the
guitar, but I told him I did not. At first,
I was puzzled but then I remembered the CD.
Michael explained that Len hears the music
that I play and it helps him to grow on the
other side. I am speechless, but grateful
that this is so. And I thought it (the CD)
was going to help just me!
Thank you from Len and me.
A Big Miracle
Mantra is a gift in my daily life for which
I am eternally grateful. A beautiful soul,
Gurunam, brought this gift and so many more
gifts to me when I needed them most. I look
back at the end of last February before I
first met Gurunam. At the time I was given
devastating news of my sister's diagnosis of
cancer. My sister and I are extremely close.
(My late husband used to call us Visa/Mastercard.)
I had partaken in a shaman workshop just
before I met Gurunam. It brought me to a
deep place. A few days following the
workshop, I had a very distinct vision or
dream. I was outside walking on a sidewalk
along a foreign street. I could sense that
it had recently rained. The smell of earth,
minerals and tar were palpable. I was
completely alone, but noticed that I wasn't
afraid. Suddenly white vapor streamed along
the left side of the street, across from me.
Through the vapor or cloud appeared a
luminous figure. It was a man wearing a
white robe with dark hair. The most
predominant features, however, were his
sparkling coal eyes and a beautiful bright
smile. He turned to me and smiled for quite
a while making direct contact with me. Then
the cloud enveloped him and he was gone.
I woke up with a beautiful blissful feeling.
The sun was shining bright, right in my
eyes. It took me a few moments to realize
that there wasn't a window in my room but
rather, the light had come from within me.
That morning I told my sister what had
happened. Like myself, she was completely
enraptured by my vision.
Two weeks later my friend invited me to a
Kabbalah class. In floated a most luminous
being a beautiful man in a white robe with
the brightest smile and sparkling eyes! It
was he the man from my vision. It was
Gurunam. After class, I told him that I had
met him in my dream and asked him if he
would help heal my sister. Without flinching
he said, "It is done" and asked me to bring
her to class the next night. I wasn't sure
if that would be possible because she wasn't
feeling very well. That was the last time I
had an ounce of doubt regarding the healing
of my dear sister. She came to class the
next night without hesitation.
When Gurunam walked into the class my sister
turned to me and said, "That's him." I said
yes, he was the teacher and healer. No, she
said. "That's him, the man in your dream!"
That was the beginning of our journey to
healing my sister with mantra. My sister met
with Gurunam the next day. He introduced her
to the beauty of mantra and gave her
Kundalini exercises, nutritional advise and
an abundance of love and support. A few days
later I met with Gurunam. He was very
serious, very definitive, and very
compassionate. He told me that he was
completely committed to helping my sister.
He asked me if I was committed. He asked me
to read his books and gave me two powerful
mantras, one to balance my self, the other
to help heal my sister. I had also become
very interested in Universal Kabbalah and
its connection to my daily use of mantra.
From that night on, mantra and the Kabbalah
have become an intrinsic part of my life. I
don't take to routine tasks very well, but I
was on a mission and I had the powerful
tools, along with the support and love of a
great master.
My sister underwent intensive chemotherapy
treatment. Doctors were baffled as to how
well she looked, how energetic she was
feeling, and how well she was responding to
the powerful and toxic medicines without
experiencing major side effects. Not to
mention her impressive display of
unrelenting fortitude, courage, and
There was a time when my sister began to
feel so well that she gradually found
herself lapsing back into her old routine
and chanting less. Her next treatment was
sobering. She didn't react well to it. She
took this as a wake-up call to keep chanting
and take better care of her self. She
swiftly got back on track.
After only 6 months, my sister called me to
tell me that her catscan test was normal! I
cannot express to you the joy, relief and
appreciation that I felt and still feel from
this glorious news. My heart is filled with
such gratitude. My sister and I attribute
her speedy recovery to the efficacy of
mantra, the love and support of Gurunam, the
luminous heavenly beings, and the grace of
A Higher Understanding
As someone who has an extensive background
in the healing arts, I wanted to tell you my
experiences concerning Rootlight. At an
early age, I began to see and speak to
Angels, the Mother Mary, and Jesus the
Christ. I developed the gift of seeing
through bodies, and diagnosing diseases. I
studied with several American Indian
medicine people in my later teens, and early
twenties, learned how to heal disease
through the Aura from them, and began
through their teachings, to work for the
police solving murders. I learned Shiatsu,
Acupressure, Reiki, Chakra Balancing,
Crystal healing in my twenties. I have had
Blessings from Yeshe Drolma, and was
instrumental in his decision to build a
temple here in America. I could personally
see the Kabbalah outline of Lights around
certain people, and knew of its innate
wisdom for our existence on earth. I could
from an early age, see the streams of Liquid
Sunlight connecting all of us to the Sun. I
developed the stigmata (interior and
exterior), through my direct connection to
the Christ, and now perform healings through
the Mother Mary. I have a weeping picture of
Jesus, and was recently gifted with a
weeping statue of baby Jesus from a Mother
Mary apparition site. Jesus had personal
told me that the Sun...was the real Son;
that words are co-creating reality; and that
we are on the verge of a new awakening in
the Christic Force.
However, the
wonderful pure teachings of Rootlight have
brought me to a higher level of
understanding, bringing all of these learned
teachings into a cohesive circle for me.
Joseph's True wisdom has confirmed
everything I have ever experienced in my
spiritual life. I have only been practicing
the sacred mantras for less one week, and
changes for me were instantaneous! From the
first moment I said my first mantra! My body
temperature changed, and my energy level
changed. My dreams became more lucid, and I
instantly understood their meanings. My
eating habits changed, my emotions were
healed, and I became more healed. Being
intuitive before, I have found now that my
intuitive abilities to me more focused and
accurate. I am experiencing everything I
ever wanted from all of the healings
practices I have learned, through the Sacred
Word of the Mantra. Every Mantra works
exactly how they are described. The absolute
beauty and healing from every CD I have
listened to has made me weep with Joy, and
gratefulness. Jesus told me I would witness
His teachings come back to earth, and now I
am home with Him again.
We here on
earth are truly experiencing God's mercy
through the release of these Sacred
Teachings. I tell everyone about them, and
will continue to do so, for the sake of the
planet, and our individual souls. May God
continue to Bless Joseph, our beloved
Gurunam. And may God Bless all of his
healing Angels... disguised as humans, at
Rootlight! Thank You!!!
- Many
Many Blessings, Brenda
Sunny Skies
Many years ago I started meditating with
mantra. During my daily meditation practice
I have had plenty of wonderful experiences.
I had the following experience lately:
I woke up one morning because our house was
kind of shaking as if we had an earth quake.
I got up and noticed that a real bad
thunderstorm was going on outside. It was
almost dark, the sky was completely covered
by dark clouds. Lightning and thunder
alternated in short periods. It was such an
intense thunderstorm, with every thunder the
earth was literally shaking. It was
frightening. I sat down and started to
meditate, my daughter joined in. First we
did Triple Mantra, then the first track of
the Heaven's Touch cd, as well as Lumen de
Lumine, and RaMa Ram Ram from the Mystic
Light Cd for a couple of minutes. When we
finished and looked outside, everything
looked perfectly different. This
extraordinarily strong thunderstorm had
stopped, the bright daylight and the first
rays of the sun were finding their way
through the clouds - but now white clouds.
In a short time the weather had totally
changed. The weather stayed beautiful for
the rest of the day.
The Divinity Within
I must admit that I'm not the most
disciplined person in the world. To be fair,
I can rise to the most challenging occasion
and prove to be very industrious, but I tend
to have a more spontaneous, dreamy nature.
The introduction of mantra, with the divine
Rootlight music created by Gurunam inspires
me to do my mantras every morning and every
evening. I envision the sun streaming in
through the top of my head into my heart and
I feel the solar force (the liquid sun)
within my soul. No one is forcing me to do
my mantras, it's just that I feel so good
when I do them. I feel connected and
balanced within my self. I never thought I
could say the words, "I love myself" with
any veracity. But now I find myself truly
feeling that I love myself. I love the
divinity within me. I want to wake up and
fall asleep to mantra. People comment on how
tan and glowing I look. I know it sounds
crazy, but I truly believe my bronzed glow
is from mantra.
Pure Joy
I am eternally grateful to have met Gurunam,
who introduced me to the divine teachings of
Kabbalah, encouraging me gently to try
Mantra. The effects were immediate! As I
began chanting Guru Guru Wahe Guru...Guru
Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes a day, it seemed
as though the windows of my soul were thrown
open, revealing never imagined beautiful
vistas of life. Each morning, I experienced
the healing power of these divine words,
rhythms, and sounds. My heart, flooded by
Light, was released from the grip of a
compulsive mind and the prison of
depression. The profound transformation
convinced me of the correctness and
necessity of these techniques in my life.
Chanting, for me, is not always pretty or
serene. Sometimes, it actually feels as if I
am watching a scary movie, as all the
challenging emotions and dark thoughts
thrust into my consciousness, only to
dissolve one after the other. Truthfully, I
have not always been this willing. The pain
caused by ego-centered, unaware living
finally became too great and I was compelled
to seek and surrender to this discipline.
My life started to get better, as my
perception changed. I now know that, just as
it is my responsibility to brush my teeth
and bathe daily, so must I practice my
mantra meditations. It is my choice to
recommit to it, day by day. The experience
of being supported by the Universe has given
me new hope, purpose and confidence. An ever
clearer internal voice has started to guide
me through Life.
A couple of weeks ago, under the supervision
of my doctor, I was able to let go of the
last of my pharmaceutical medications. My
physician was notably impressed by the
positive impact of meditation. I never
thought the day would come that I could
function without my prescriptions. Chanting
Ra-Ma-Da-Sa-Sa-Say-So-Hung and Wahe Guru-Wahe
Jio, continue to enable me to overcome
depressed moods and negative attitudes.
As my life keeps expanding, I am evermore
grateful for the blessings I have been
given. My prayer is for as many people as
possible to experience the self-healing
inherent in the vibrations of these ancient
mantras. May everyone's life be filled with
Love, Peace and Light!
AJAPA JAAP (continuos repetition of Naam/
Waheguru) is the spiritual condition of a
person when the Simran (repitition of
Waheguru) goes on an auto pilot mode in your
Surat (mind) and in your Hirdey (heart) as
explained below.
It means that Simran becomes a round the
clock thing inside you, Simran doesn't stop
at any moment, it carries on and such a
condition comes with Gurkirpa (God/ the
guru's blessing) and after a lot of Bhagti
Kamai(meditation) or can also be attained
with the Kirpa (blessings) of a Puran Braham
Gyani(ascended master). The experiences of
bliss follow a path such as this:
1. Jaap (repetition) with Tounge – Rasna –
this happens in Dharam Khand
2. Jaap with the breathing – with Swaas –
this happens in Gyan Khand and Saram Khand
3. Then Naam (waheguru) goes into your mind
– Surat, in your thinking, then it becomes
Simran from Jaap – this is a very good stage
– this happens in Saram Khand and Karam
4. The next stage is when Simran goes into
Hirdey – this one is even much higher stage
when Naam goes into Hirdey – this is where
it goes on an automatic mode, this is where
the real bhagti(meditation) starts.
5. The next stage is when Simran travels to
the Nabhi, when Nabhi Kamal(lotus)blossoms –
Karam Khand
6. The next Stage is when Simran goes into
Kundlini – Mooladhaar Chakkar and spine –
Karam Khand
7. The next stage is when Simran travels
through the spine to the brain, and back to
Surat where it completes the cycle. This is
what the real Mala (rosary) of Naam
(meditation) is. When this happens then the
Gyan Netter and Dassam Duaar (10th Gate)
open s and you form a permanent connection
with Akal Purakh (God), you start to receive
divine knowledge – "Braham Gyan". This
happens in Sach Khand. Enjoyment – Anand in
Smadhi and Sun Smadhi is beyond description.
That is why the enlightened souls go into v
ery deep meditation some time for days
together. You experience a lot of things
during your Smadhi and Sun Smadhi, see a lot
of things, meet a lot of Saints, Gurus, see
Param Jyot, conversation with the Sants and
Akal Purakh , it is beyond description wh at
happens and through what you go when you go
into deep meditation. This is the stage when
all the doors – Bajjar Kapaat are opened and
there is a continuous flow of Amrit, body is
always full of Amrit.
8. The Simran in Smadhi and Sun Smadhi
continues until NIRGUN AND SARGUN becomes
one, at this point Simran goes into rom-rom
– every bit of your body does Naam Simran,
your Suksham Dehi becomes as pure as gold,
your entire body is filled with Naam Amrit
all the time. You become Braham Leen, and
reach Atal Awastha. These stages are beyond
description. Sat Chit Anand Ghar Hamare –
Gurmukh Rom Rom Har Dhyae – Nirgun Sargun
Nirankaar Sun Smadhi Aap, Apan Kia Nanka
Apan Hi Fir Jaap and so on. One lives in Pu
ran Parkash all the time and listens to
Ilahi Kirtan(heavenly Kirtan/singing)– Anhad
Naad Dhunis (heavenly music) all the time.
It is just incredible experience. This is
when one becomes Sat Ram Dass and is
directed by the Almighty to serve humanity
in h umbleness. And this is what we all wish
to achieve being fortunate enough to move on
the Bhagti Marg (spiritual path).
If you do Jaap with Rasna your Rasna will
become pavitter - pious, by doing jaap in
along breathing - swass your swass will
become pious - pavitter, by doing Simran in
mind-Surat-Chit- mind will become pious -
pavitter (pure), and that is what you need t
o do to make your mind pious - pavitter,
that is how you will have control on your
mind - MAN JEETE JAG JEET (win teh mind and
you win the world) - MAN TU JYOT SAROOP HAI
and you will be able to rise above Panj
when Simran goes in to Hirdey - and Simran
will go to Hirdey by itself with Gurkirpa
(guru's blessings) only, and so in C hit,
Hirdey will become pavitter - pious and a
pious Hirdey will become Mahaparupkari and
Dana Dina, NIRBHAO, NIRVAIR and so on, it
will start to absorb all the vital qualities
of Akal Purakh (god) and will become a Puran
Sant Hirda, and will achieve JIV AN MUKTI.
The true definition of a Saint is not by
wearing a outwardly clothes – outside dress
and outside rituals, it is the Hirda that
becomes "Puran Sachyara" – completely
From Darkness to Light
In late 2001, I experience a meltdown of,
what then felt like, epic proportions. A 12
year career as an advertising executive came
to a grinding halt, a two-year, troubled
relationship imploded and I found myself
depressed, spiraling seemingly out of
control and covered in hives as a result of
my nervous system being stressed to its
limits. The second "dark night of the soul"
of my 35 years on the planet had hit, Saturn
was in retrograde and I had bottomed out. I
was 35, single, unemployed -- the wake-up
call to stop repeating old, negative
patterns was sounding loud and clear. I
looked for answers. Trying the familiar in
the hopes of steering a rudderless boat
through the storm did not work. The old
coping mechanisms - a return to the prayers
of my catholic upbringing, more than a few
glasses of red wine, a couple of fleeting
and illicit affairs did little to bring
peace to my soul or resolution to my
problems. Little did I know that a vast sea
change would occur in subsequent months.
It has been said that when the student is
ready the teacher comes. I was/am graced
with the privilege of studying both
Kundalini yoga/Kabbalah with Gurunam. When I
met Gurunam, he assured me that the
solutions would come by going within through
a strict mantra practice of one-hour, 15
minutes of mantra daily - preferably between
the hours of 4:00 am and 7:00 am. There was
a part of me that found the remedy a bit
nuts and I was overwhelmed at the idea of
sitting in one place chanting words I did
not understand. So, slightly skeptical but
with a heart filled with hope, I diligently
set my mind, heart, soul to the practice of
A year later, I find myself with a thriving
career/business, a loving/heart centered
relationship and a greater sense of self and
the possibilities ahead than ever before.
Moreover, I have an inner peace that comes
from feeling my direct connection with the
Divine and the day-to-day guidance therein.
Mantra works... but don't believe me. Try it
yourself. There is no better testimonial
than your own experience. You won't be
A Calm Landing
I was in an airplane with my son. The pilot
warned us that the plane would soon enter
turbulent weather and to fasten our
seatbelts. He repeated this message several
times, with some urgency. I saw the
stewardesses rushing to their seats to
buckle up - and they looked nervous. A bad
sign. Gurunam told me that when I felt
anxious I should chant Sa Ta Na Ma. As we
descended for landing, I told my son to
chant along with me. There was a palpable
change in the atmosphere after we chanted,
and not only did we land safely but there
wasn't a minute of turbulence.
In doing Guru Ram Das, messages come to me
as though in a dream about blockages to
spiritual growth and clarity that I need to
address, and how to peel them away. Through
experience I've come to the point where I
can acknowledge the issue, and go past it
deeper into the meditation of mantra. But I
always prepare a pen and paper to record
these messages after completing the
chanting. For example, I've been drifting
away from an old friend over the past few
years, and carrying resentment about what I
perceived to be her inability to be there
when I needed her. Through mantra, I
received a clear message to let it go and
let this friend come to me. This alone put
my mind at ease and my resentment melted
away. But in addition, my friend called and
came to me - unheard of from this person --
and we have re-established our friendship on
firmer ground.
Unblock Your Life
Life had come to some kind of a screech.
Dissonance, boredom and agitation. Lack of
clarity as to what's next. Like a planet
without a protective atmosphere, I was
exposed to whatever cosmic junk people would
throw at me on a daily basis. I would
soldier on - but life was getting somewhat
tiresome. Consistent mantra invocation has
changed this. The key point is that its
impact (i.e. meditation through mantra) has
not been some new-age mumbo-jumbo therapy
that has helped me "deal better" or be more
"calm" in the face of a sub optimum
existence. No - I feel better because things
ARE better. Don't ask me how. I can now
invoke mantra at key points in the day to
ward off unwanted hassle. Like some gigantic
municipal sewerage pipe, the pipes of my
life have been unblocked and movement has
occurred. All the usual - success at work, a
transfer opportunity that I had been craving
for for years (the head hunter call came the
day of my Birthday - which had been the
deadline I had set myself some months
before), my plane arriving in JFK when every
other plane from every other destination had
been cancelled. People coming out of the
woodwork to help - who invariably turn out
to be fellow meditators. The other imp act
has been that with the tactical impact that
I have experienced - I have also been more
open to contemplating the more "strategic
implications" of all "this stuff". e.g.
belief in karma, energy and magnetic fields
of people etc.
My only parting word is that none of this
works if you don't work. I think you have to
be in a place where nothing else works - and
you sincerely try meditation through mantra.
If you do it religiously for a month or so -
I am sure your pipes will also begin to
A Shift in Consciousness
From the instant I began using Mantra
Meditations, I felt an effect. I felt a
shift in consciousness and energy. I
literally felt high and charged with energy
that lasted for days.
I have integrated a morning and evening
practice, using prescribed sets of mantras
and mudras. During this time I have observed
a progressive change that has allowed me to
more easily maintain physical health,
emotional balance, and physical energy. My
practice has added a new dimension to my
experiences in life that I would not trade
for anything!
A Mom To Be
I went to see Gurunam when I was about to
undergo a IVF cycle to conceive a baby. He
gave me a set of Kabbalah rituals and
mantras to do twice a day. I have meditated
on and off for the past 8 years but this is
the first time I did it without fail, and my
husband was quite impressed that I did no
matter how tired I was. I am now 7 weeks
pregnant and I owe it all to this series of
mantras and prayers. I give thanks to the
universe allowing Gurunam to share this with
us mortals here on earth.
Sat Nam and a lot of love, light and peace
to all.
-mom-to-be in LA
The Wondrous
Benefits of Mantra
As a spiritual seeker, I've spent much of my
adult life searching for both a path and
practice that would allow me to fully
connect with the universe and the healing
wisdom found therein. Various investigations
led me from astrology to the tarot to silent
meditation to Hatha yoga to spiritual and
philosophical readings. Nothing, however,
resonated with the depth and wholeness I was
looking for. Then I met Gurunam.
It is said that when you are ready, the
teacher will come. Gurunam introduced me to
the art and science of the word. The
benefits that have come with a consistent
mantra practice are numerous. I have
experienced an internal shift in
consciousness that has freed me from toxic
emotions and habits. Mantra has effectively
replaced fear, insecurity and doubt with the
peaceful stillness from which love,
creativity, intuitive sight, and conscious
clarity in thought and deed arise.
This may all sound a bit vague. Indeed,
language often falls short of conveying the
benevolent power of mantra. After all, a
transformative experience with mantra is
meant to be felt, not intellectualized.
Having said that, allow me to offer two
specific examples that illustrate the
effectiveness of mantra.
A few months back I was at a loss as to how
to thematically structure the book i was
attempting to write. I spent countless,
sometimes frustrating, hours thinking and
thinking and thinking. During this time I
had a dream. I was standing in a white house
that was surrounded by mountains of white
snow. I was struggling, against the snow, to
open the front door. I finally succeeded,
only to find that the bitter chill of winter
sent me back into the house. I related my
dream to Gurunam, who instructed me to begin
chanting Guru Ram Das, on the Heaven's Touch
Guru Ram Das is a mantra that "projects the
mind to the source of knowledge and ecstasy.
It represents form and calls upon the wisdom
that comes as a servant of the infinite."
While chanting this mantra I received the
thematic and structural skeleton for a book
that, with all my thinking, I hadn't
conceived of.
Another example of the power of the word
came this summer as I sat, mouth wide open,
in the dentist's chair, listening to the
grinding sound of the drill as it vigorously
attacked a cavity. After about an hour and a
half, the drill fell silent and my dentist
said, "Looks like a root canal." I was
horrified. I envisioned a lengthy, painful,
financially devastating procedure. "Let me
take another look at the X-ray," my dentist
continued. "I'll be right back." I
automatically began mentally reverberating
Triple Mantra - the mantra of spiritual and
physical protection. My dentist returned and
said he would try, one last time, to remove
the decaying matter from the tooth. Five
minutes later, to his surprise and my
relief, he proclaimed that the tooth could
be saved. In the end, all I would need was
one big filling.
Welcome mantra into your life. You WILL
experience its wondrous power.
Prosperity and
Peace of Mind
I was going through a very difficult phase
financially. It appeared that everywhere I
turned, there was no help. I started doing
Har Haray Haree Wah Hey Guru using
projections front, left, back, right, below,
and above visualizing green beautiful water
and pulling my navel as I said Har Haray
Haree. I continued this for 11 minutes a day
for 40 days. To my amazement I received an
unexpected tax refund of several thousand
dollars. Additionally I was promoted at work
and received a sign on bonus as well as
receiving a much higher salary than before.
In addition to the financial security, I
found my mind was at peace and bountiful - I
was no longer worried about money and
expected plenty in all areas of my life.
Opportunities opened up in numerous ways for
me to receive prosperity in my life. I am
grateful for the grace of God and the
science of Naad. For as Gurunam often says,
I kept dialing God until he was so tired of
me calling (with the mantra) that he gave
what I wanted to give him peace.
Saving Grace
Triple Mantra saved my life, literally.
Aside from the fact that when I do it, it
protects me from my natural daily
accident-prone self, on this day in
particular it saved my life.
I was at an above-ground subway stop waiting
for the subway. We had been having lots of
cold weather and all I wanted was to sit
down and read my book in the sun while I
waited. The only place to sit and get sun
was to sit on the edge and hang my feet over
the tracks. I know this sounds ridiculously
unsafe, but I thought I would have enough
time to pull my legs up and get out of the
After sitting for 5 minutes or so, a
seemingly grumpy old man walked past and
told me I should get up and sit on the
benches they provide. I thought he was being
too cautious and just wanted someone to give
a piece of his mind to, so I thanked him and
said, "No, I'm quite fine where I am." A
minute later, he advised me to move again,
and my intuition told me to do what he said.
Only 30 seconds later did the subway come
rushing in, and from a different direction
than I had thought. It turns out I had
completely underestimated how close I was to
the train (the train would have had to go
through my legs) not to mention how fast the
train would be going and how long it would
take me to get out of the way.
I have had so many experiences with Triple
Mantra that I know that is what saved me
that day. Help came to me in the form of a
person because I had chanted Triple Mantra.
Fortunately, I was able to hear my intuition
which had been strengthened from a regular
mantra practice.
Heal a Broken Heart
I had just gone through a separation with
someone that I loved and cared for deeply. I
have a tendency to "fall hard" and I was
completely miserable. So many questions and
feelings were running through my head
beginning with "why couldn't I make it
work?" and ending with the painful empty
hole in my heart that I truly thought would
never heal. I started chanting Sa Ta Na Ma
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung (Gunpati Kriya)
and experienced stillness in my heart for
the first time since the separation. I
continued to chant it twice a day and it
saved me. It got me out of bed, it let me go
to work, it gave me space to heal.
I was so impressed with the effects of the
mantra that to this day I still pass it on
to friends. Most recently a girlfriend of
mine had use for it; she hadn't slept in
three weeks because of a break-up after many
years of being together with this person.
The first night she chanted, she was graced
with enough peace to finally sleep.
Thank God for this powerful and effective
way to heal our hearts. Please use it and
pass it on.
My Aunt was known by people in my family as
being "difficult" and always needing to get
the last word in, so she would be "right".
Well, my grandmother was very ill, and my
aunt and I were talking about it. She was
angry and was holding a grudge about things
that had happened between she and her mother
for many years, and couldn't forgive her.
We'd been on the phone for 2 hours, and I
just kept thinking "if only I could get her
to look inward instead of blaming everyone
else around her, she'd have an epiphany."
While we were talking I prayed for God to
take over in the conversation, and started
projecting Lumine de Lumine in my mind, and
surrounding her with light. The most amazing
thing happened... Rather than blaming
everyone else in her life, She began to see
herself as responsible for the circumstances
she found herself in, and said to me. "you
know... I may be slow, but I think I just
got that I have to have compassion for
people around me because they are just going
through the same garbage that I'm going
through. I hope I remember that the next
time I go to yell at someone."
What an amazing thing for someone to begin
having compassion for the people around
them. Thank God for Lumine de Lumine.
Neutralized Sugar
I was in Gurunam's yoga class in New York.
We did two mantras: Guru Ram Das from the
Heaven's Touch CD and Har Har Har Gobinde
off of the Green House CD. Our palms were
facing each other approximately six inches
apart during the last mantra. At the time I
was very frustrated with my constant
cravings for sugar and my seeming inability
to refrain from eating it. After the
meditations he said that we should make a
wish. My wish was that my relationship with
sugar could be neutralized once and for all.
I continued doing these mantras at home and
have ever since not had the heavy sugar
cravings. I can eat some fruit and not want
to have processed sugars. This is a huge
blessing for me because I can now take
better care of my health by not only eating
the right foods but also avoiding the wrong
ones. Thank You Gurunam!!!
Mantra Works
As I listen to Triple Mantra, I think of
mantra as a science that heals. The efficacy
of mantra surpasses even the most potent
medicines and the results obtained of most
sought after psychiatrists. It has the
ability to create the most divine miracles.
Mantra offers fast, long-lasting results,
with a significant improvement in quality of
life, enhancing one's relationship to
others, and with one's self to the divine.
Mantra works.
Traffic Unjammed
It was early 6am in New York City. We were
heading into the Hudson Tunnel. There were
three of us in the car and we were going on
an adventure. Smiles and laughter were
passed back and forth as we smoothly rode
into the tunnel to get out of the city.
Slowly but surely, however, our car was
beginning to slow down as we drove deeper
into the tunnel. We were crawling for a few
minutes and then came to a complete halt. We
were stuck in traffic. The driver of the car
looked at us and asked: "What would be a
good mantra to break through traffic?"
"Triple Mantra," my friend answered
excitedly. So the three of us put our hands
into the Tree of Life mudra and began to
chant. For a moment it felt like time
stopped and all the orange yellow lights
that illuminated the dark tunnel gleamed
through our windshield creating a surreal
image of light moving through space. The
sound faded. All was still. We finished our
third repetition of the mantra when suddenly
the cars ahead of us started to move. The
driver slowly pressed on the gas as he
continued to chant the mantra with us.
Within seconds all the cars were moving
smoothly through and we soon saw daylight as
we exited the tunnel with big smiles on our
faces. "Wow, think of all the people we
helped get to their destinations faster," my
friend added.
