Lifting the Veil:
Practical Kabbalah with Kundalini Yoga Lifting the Veil allows you to penetrate the high mysteries of the Kabbalah by presenting this timeless wisdom in a practical, workable and understandable way. You will find in this book a time-proven formula to experience a life of grace and joy. Timing is everything. Knowledge of the best time to act or remain still is as vital as breathing. Taking the time to see which way the powerful forces of nature are moving, coupled with personal responsibility, will give you a repertoire of expanded options in your actions. A person who does not know what and when to do anything is at the mercy of whatever life throws his or her way.
All your power is before you take an action that will create a sequence of events. Therefore, you need intuition and knowledge of the rythms of nature to make informed decisions. Included are over 30 different meditations from Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, to enhance your health, balance the mind, body and spirit, and develop your intuition. The wisdom of Kabbalah shows you the best time to act. Success is in the timing!
This expanded and revised version of
Lifting the Veil is a response to the
many dedicated readers who have asked for
more; who have shown interest in delving
deeper; who long to go further into the
principles and practices of the sacred
sciences of Kabbalah and Kundalini yoga.
Those genuine desires, couples with the
challeneges currently facing human beings at
this time, prompted me to expand the
information contained in the first edition. View Product Catalog | Buy One Now
* Editorial Reviews "For the first time in history, Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) has integrated the sacred sciences of Kabbalah and Kundalini yoga. Lifting the Veil removes the mystery of Kabbalah. The essence of Kabbalah is the revelation of how the universe works and how it impacts human life. Gurunam had decoded the essence of Kabbalah from the previously embroidered language that perpetuated confusion and separation from the Source, and presented it in a form that is simultaneously powerful and easy to understand. In this unique book, Kabbalah is presented as a practical and simple science that can be applied to everyday life. This work transcends the theology that separates humans from the Divine, from each other and themselves. It is ecumenical!" GururattanKaur Khalsa, Ph.D.
"It took me 40 years to learn this science. It took Gurunam to write it down. This work shall live forever." Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., Master of White Tantric and Kundalini Yoga
Customer Reviews
"Lifting the Veil, Practical Kabbalah
with Kundalini Yoga is the work of a
master not yet known to most of the world.
This book was my introduction to Gurunam and
since then, I have read everything he has
published. As a long time Kabbalist and
professor of mathematics, I very much
appreciated the structure of this book. It
gives the beginning reader a working
knowledge of Kabbalah and Kundalini Yoga
without confusing people with strings of
concepts that, while very interesting, are
utterly useless in real life.
Simultaneously, it offers well read students
of Kabbalah or Kundalini yoga useful
concepts that are found in no other sources,
such as a person's Primary Planet and the
significance of the seven days of the week.
After consistently applying many of the
principles and mantras, I have found them to
be the most effective and accurate of any
system I have used. In his books, Gurunam
teaches an individual to choose with
precision, the mantra or meditation they
should use without having to always consult
with their spiritual teacher. Gurunam's
books are very empowering for everyday life
decisions. Theone Bradford, New Orleans, Louisiana
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