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All media related materials and inquiries.

About the Company

Rootlight, Inc., founded by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, is the realization of a vision for worldwide educational outreach. Its purpose is to provide practical and meaningful instruction in the Divine Spiritual Wisdom that guides everyone onto the path of true happiness and a fulfilling life. Read More...

About the founder, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

Dr. Joseph Michael Levry is a dedicated teacher, world-renowned yogi, mystic, author, producer of sacred music, and international lecturer on the topics of self-healing, practical spirituality and self-actualization. Having extensive training as an engineer and in the esoteric arts and sciences, Dr. Levry has developed a unique, practical system of self-healing called NAAM YOGA®, which unites many spiritual doctrines of the East with Western mysticism, healing arts and yogic practices. Read More...


Press Contact

Phone: BBPR Inc. (310) 980-6936 or Amanda Plant (917) 687-6225
Email: or


World Record 15,000 People Naam Yoga Class Press Coverage

November, 2012
ITN: Naam Yoga 15,000 Superclass

Spiegel: Massen-Yoga in Mexiko-Stadt


NDTV Thousands Yoga Class


l ITN Video | Thousands Attend Mass Yoga Session in Mexico
l AOL News | Thousands Attend Mass Yoga Session in Mexico
l Reuters | People participate in an early morning Naam yoga super class
l KGW News Channel 8 Portland | Yoga for 15,000 in Mexico City
l LA Yoga Magazine | Naam Yoga Hosts World’s Largest Yoga Session
l Melenio Mexico | Clase masiva de yoga en Monumento a la Revolución
l World Insights | Naam Yoga Super Class
l Rightster | Thousands attend mass yoga session in Mexico (ITN repost)
l Daily Concepts | Om Inspiring
l Hungeree Blog | Group Yoga in Mexico City
l | Top photos Nov. 25
l Excelsior | FOTOGALERÍA: Yoga invade al Monumento a la Revolución
l Tages Anzeiger | Mit Yoga gegen den Drogenkrieg
l Spiegel | Massen-Yoga in Mexiko-Stadt: Hauche ein "Om" für die Metropole
l Azteca Noticias | Yoga por la paz en el Monumento a la Revolución
l DongA Korea | Top Photos

12,000 People Naam Yoga Class Press Coverage

l FOX News | Mexico City Is Setting for World's Largest Yoga Class
l Yahoo! News | World's Largest Yoga Class Held in Mexico City
l Vanguardia | The Biggest Yoga Class in the World was Held in Mexico
l Spirit Voyage | World’s Largest Naam Yoga Class in Mexico City

Television Interviews

November, 2012
Naam Yoga 15,000 Superclass

August, 2013
Naam Yoga on CNN Espanol


September 2013
KTLA "Morning News" Part I

September 2013
KTLA "Morning News" Part II


September, 2013
Telemundo "Accesso Total" Part I

September, 2013
Telemundo "Accesso Total" Part II


August, 2012
Naam Yoga on Good Day LA



Radio Interviews

l Antonio Esquinca Show | Mexico City's Alfa Radio
l The Dr. Diane Pérez Show | Mexico City's Radio Trece 1290AM
l Sound of Transformation with Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith | Los Angeles' KPFK 90.7fm
l Antonio Esquinca Show | Mexico City's Alfa Radio
l The Dr. Diane Pérez Show | Mexico City's Radio Trece 1290AM
l Health Notes with Kinshasha Kambui | KFAI Radio

Event Highlight Videos

l The Power of Love
l The Power of Gratefulness
l The Power of the Word
l The Power of Kindness


Media Links

A collection of interviews and event highlights from around the world. View All...


International Naam Yoga Community Links
l Naam Yoga LA Center in Santa Monica, CA
Located a few blocks from the beach in the Santa Monica district of Los Angeles, this beautiful new Center is a state of the art yoga and healing Center with several yoga studios, one of which offers comfortable seating for 300 students in an open and column free space, attractive and serene healing rooms, an abundant retail store, and a welcoming community gathering area for socializing before and after class.

l Naam Yoga Center in New York City
A non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the fundamental principles of how to heal yourself. Now more than ever, it is vital to understand that all true, complete healing must emanate from within, through our spiritual practices and how we act in the world. Even if our physical health is perfect, there are always areas in our lives that we believe could be improved, from our relationships to our finances to our general state of happiness. We are here to be a catalyst for you by providing classes, teachers and healers which will encourage you to flourish and thrive. 

l Urlicht - Rootlight Switzerland
Die Kabbalah ist der Grundstein für Esoterik und Mystik innerhalb der westlichen Tradition, genauso wie die Yoga Sutras, die Upanishaden, die Bhagavad Gita, die Verse von Dyzan und andere heilige Werke als Grundsteine der östlichen Tradition gelten. In ihrer Gesamtheit bildet die Kabbalah die grofle Substanz der Philosophie, die mit der jüdisch-mystischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wird, ursprünglich jedoch von den alten Ägyptern praktiziert wurde.

l Rootlight Germany
Herzlich Willkommen bei Rootlight Germany, der Website für Universelle Kabbalah, Naam Yoga und Harmonyum, wie sie von Joseph Michael Levry, Gurunam, gelehrt werden. Die Lehren dieser heiligen Weisheit bilden ein komplexes System, das die Gesetze des Lebens erklärt und lehrt, wie die Menschen sich von Negativität befreien und in Harmonie mit sich selbst, allen anderen Wesen, der Natur und dem Universum leben können. Diese Lehren sind universell und dienen der positiven Entwicklung der Erde und aller Menschen, unabhängig von Religion, Alter oder Geschlecht.

l Naam Yoga Mexico
Naam significa palabra, y es el origen de toda existencia. Naam Yoga está basado en el siguiente concepto fundamental: “En el principio fue la Palabra.” La palabra (sonido o vibración) es su principal herramienta, y ésta se combina con los múltiples mudras (gestos con las manos) y distintas respiraciones, armonizándote con el Universo. Otro factor importante de esta disciplina es que utiliza la Cábala Universal como guía para conocer las leyes invisibles que rigen el Universo. Naam Yoga™ trabaja en todo el cuerpo de manera dinámica, abriendo los diferentes canales de energía, y preparándote para que te adaptes a los cambios de la vida actual.


Naam Yoga Affiliated Centers

l Naam Yoga Switzerland Gmbh
Located in the heart of Zürich, Switzerland, a few minutes from the lake, this beautiful new Center is a
non-profit organization dedicated to passing on the practical tools and techniques that can help you find true happiness and contentment in life. We offer a wide area of workshops, classes, CDs, books, information on trainings, newsletters by Joseph Michael Levry and much more, which can help you on your journey through life. We wish to help you open the door, so you may gain access to your own innate capacities. We believe that all answers are already written in your heart, where the Divine spiritual wisdom lives. Our environment is important to us and we feel it is our responsibility to protect it through our own behavior, speech, thinking and feeling as well as through environmentally sound products.

Event Highlights from Around the World (click on a photo for details)





















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