Meditations for Energy
Connecting with Your Spirit
Your Energy
Meditations for Healing
Healing Mantra
Art of Absent Healing
Meditations for Peace
Prayer of Light
Moving from Fate to Destiny
Meditations for Balance
Igniting the Divine Candle
Eliminating Negative Emotions
Meditations for Strength
Turn Fear into Determination
Special Meditations
2012 New Year Meditation
Special 32-day Naam Meditation for 2012
"By the Word
of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them.
...He spake and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast."
(Psalm 33:6,9)
"Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every Word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
(Matthew 4:4)
"Naam may
appear but a monosyllable
compared with the countless sins that abound;
But a little dose of the Naam when taken,
reduces the entire garbage to a heap of ashes;
And the practice of the Naam rubs clean all the mental impurities;
For the Naam acts as a spark of fire in a powder magazine;
By communion with the Naam, one transcends the limitations of the
And reaches far beyond the realm of the pairs of opposites.
All the supernal powers serve but Naam;
Blessed with Naam, one becomes the abode of all powers."
"Love is not
possible without Naam."
(Guru Nanak)
is just a pure gift from God."
(Guru Amar Das; Asa M3)
Nanak has said that even after learning the 84 yoga postures one
cannot achieve God. Yoga is good and it will improve your health,
it will make you live longer but it will not open your heart and
bring you closer to God. The power of Naam has been acknowledged
as the direct and true way from Ancient Egypt and the pharaoh,
Akhaneton or Ikhnaton, who ruled from 1379 to 1362 BC, to St. John
the Baptist and Christ, to the ten Sikh Gurus, beginning with Guru
Nanak. Sacred Naam is the giver of life; the sacred name of
salvation and joy. It is the Prana, the Pavan
Guru. Naam is the undying Spirit of God; a most Divine
computerized combination designed to stimulate your higher
consciousness and shield you from the pain of life. Reciting Naam
will remove your fear, and give you internal strength and a solid
feeling of infinity, for it will give you the totality of Godhood.
It will grant you the strength to bring love, peace and light into
your life and the lives of your loved ones. Understand that Naam
Yoga is the merging of the Rose Croix Kabbalah lineage, which
can be traced back to Pythagoras, and Naam, which can be traced
back to Guru Nanak and beyond. It is the most positive, healing
system. Through vibrating Naam, you can always clean your spirit,
and obtain purity and piety so that you may
open your heart and experience the reality
of love. Vibrate the Naam, and the Universe shall serve you.
Vibrate the Naam and let the whole Earth be filled with the glory
of God. The Sikh scriptures testify in plain words that during the
four Grand Divisions of time people benefited from the practice of
Naam by sitting at the feet of those who have become the WORD made
flesh. To learn more we invite you to read the book
The Naam or Word by Kirpal Singh,
especially the two following sections:
Naam: The Most Efficacious Sadhna in the
Present Age and
Naam: The Saving Factor in all the Four Ages.
Naam is the highest Deeksha one can receive. On the topic of
spiritual initiation or Deeksha,
this section is a must-read.
Click here.
According to the sacred wisdom of Universal Kabbalah, what you do
in the first 32 days of the year will create the blueprint for
your entire year. That is why both what you do now, and how you
work with the laws of nature will be extremely important. This
Meditation Series will align you with the constructive forces of
the universe so that you may gracefully face the months leading to
December 21, 2012 and beyond. By devoting a portion of each day,
for the next 32 days, to this special healing practice you will
establish the strong spiritual foundation that will serve as a
constant source of guidance and inspiration during the course of
the year. You are invited to practice this set every morning for
the next 32 days, and share this series with your friends and loved ones as you desire.
PART I: Naam Eck Ong Kar
in any comfortable meditative position. Maintain a straight spine
and relax the shoulders. Take a moment to calm and focus your
energy. Begin by rubbing the palms
of your hands together. When you start to feel increasing warmth
in your palms, close your eyes and go within. Bring both hands at
the heart center, fingers interlaced with only the index fingers
of both hands extended upward. Cross the thumbs. Begin chanting
along to the Naam Eck Ong Kar recording, see link below. Apply the
navel as you rhythmically pronounce the words. Continue for 11
minutes. To end take a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten
your body and exhale as you open up like a flower and laugh loud
to circulate the energy (arms raised above your head).
Naam Eck Ong Kar was recorded by Dr. Levry as a healing gift for
everyone and can be downloaded and shared freely from the link
below. This mudra is called Sarab Shakti.
Please refer to page 79 of the book "The
Code of the Masters" for details.
Recommended Music:
Click here to Download Naam Eck Ong Kar
II: Triple Mantra
in any comfortable meditative position. Bring both hands in front
of the heart center with the palms facing each other about 6
inches apart and the elbows bent and relaxed. Maintain a straight
spine and relax the shoulders. Close your eyes and gaze inwardly
at the mid-brow point. Begin vibrating the Triple Mantra. Continue
for 11 minutes. To end take a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds,
tighten your body and exhale as you shake out your hands above
your head.
Triple Mantra CD was Kabbalistically produced in order to
completely cut through the negative influences of Saturn and bring
out the beneficial energy of Jupiter.
This meditation
will cut through your karma and surround you with a powerful aura
of protection. For more information about Triple Mantra, please
click here. This
hand position is called the Tree of Life mudra. It is a very
potent healing symbol that will bring balance to all areas of your
life. It will take you beyond time and space into a place of
healing. Please refer to page 136 of the book "The
Divine Doctor" for details.
Recommended Music:
Triple Mantra, track 1
in any comfortable meditative position. Bring both hands in front
of the heart center. Touch the index fingertip of each hand to the
middle finger of the other. The ring finger of each hand touches
the pinkie of the other. All of the fingers are relatively
straight and only the tips of the fingers touch. The thumbs point
straight up. Maintain a straight spine and relax the shoulders.
Close your eyes and gaze inwardly at the mid-brow point. Begin
chanting "RAM" up the scale, following the proper pronunciation,
tone and rhythm as demonstrated in the House of Ram CD (see track
listing below.) Continue for 11 minutes. To end take a deep
breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten your body and exhale as you
open up like a flower and laugh loud to circulate the energy (arms
raised above your head). Take a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds,
tighten your body and exhale as you shake out your hands above
your head. Repeat one more time and take a moment to sit in
silence to consolidate and integrate your energy.
meditation will cut through all the disturbing influences of the
months leading up to the 2012 winter solstice and beyond. This
hand position is called the Surbhi mudra. It is excellent for
sharpening the intellect and improving memory. It is also
beneficial for controlling inflammation. Please refer to page 55
of the book "The
Code of the Masters" for details.
Recommended Music:
House of Ram, track 2
Naam Yogis are invited to do the Naam Yoga Star Kriya with the
mantra Gobinday Har Har Har Har (Pure
Naam CD) in addition to the above meditations in the
ration of 4:6 / 4 minutes (sun portion) and 6 minutes (moon
portion). The Naam Yoga Star Kriya is the ultimate human posture,
not only does it bring out all the various golden triangles
and golden ratios of the body, but also, it is the symbol of total
power of the mind in its domination over the elements. It will
align you with the energy of 2012. Our body has been designed
according to Divine Proportion. This Divine Proportion, also known
as the golden ratio, can be found everywhere throughout our human
body. For instance, measure the distance from the tip of your head
to the floor, then divide that by the distance from your belly
button to the floor, and the number you will come up with is PHI.
The number PHI can be derived from the Fibonacci sequence. Ancient
mystics along with scientists proclaimed PHI or 1.618 as the
Divine Proportion. The Naam Yoga Star Kriya is the ideal human
posture because the human body creates healing golden triangles
through the application of the golden ratio or PHI. PHI is
considered to be the most beautiful and Divine number in the
universe. Pythagoras venerated this symbol and the golden ratio.
This is the ideal human posture of mathematical and natural
perfection. It is said that this ideal human posture had a secret
significance and power to the Pythagoreans, and was used not only
as a symbol of good health, but also as a password or symbol of
recognition amongst themselves. By doing the Naam Yoga Star Kriya
we are absorbing the positive cosmic, planetary and zodiacal
influences in the Universe while aligning ourselves with the
energy of this Age. Performing the Naam Yoga Star Kriya is the
awakening and conscious application of the Divine Code as the true
Fountain of Youth, Light and Life.
To learn the Naam Yoga Star Kriya, please contact your local Naam
Yoga center:
l Naam
Yoga LA
l Naam
Yoga NYC
l Naam
Yoga Center in Miami, Fl
l Bethel
Yoga in Bethel, CT
l Naam
Yoga in Nashvile, TN
l Naam
Yoga Switzerland Gmbh
l Naam
Yoga Germany
l Naam Mexico
l Naam
Yoga Center in Mexico City, Mexico
l Naam
Yoga Studio in Playa del Carmen
l Sisecel
Naam Yoga Studio in Barcelona, Spain
l Zenit
Shiatsu in Barcelona, Spain
Practicing this set during the early morning hours will cause you
to walk towards God. As you take one step towards the Divine, the
Divine shall walk 1,000 steps toward you.