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Authentic Spiritual Talismans


The Art & Science of Creating an Authentic Spiritual Talisman

Spiritual initiates have found that gold and silver respectively stand for the Sun and the Moon. Gold stands for the solar or electric force, whereas silver represents the lunar or magnetic force. The precise combination of gold and silver will behave like the Star of David, the perfect expression of the basic principle governing life, electricity and magnetism. Thus, initiates knew that fusing gold onto silver would steady the forces of life making one more fortunate. The importance of balancing these two energies, which respectively stand for the Sun and the Moon, is extremely helpful for those who desire to ease the fluctuations of life. The proper mixture of gold and silver can be a very powerful talisman as one opens to the beneficial influences of the Sun, the masculine principle, and the Moon, or feminine principle. For more information about our spiritual talismans and to read testimonials, click here.




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