Meditations for Energy
Connecting with Your Spirit
Your Energy
Meditations for Healing
Healing Mantra
Art of Absent Healing
Meditations for Peace
Prayer of Light
Moving from Fate to Destiny
Meditations for Balance
Igniting the Divine Candle
Eliminating Negative Emotions
Meditations for Strength
Turn Fear into Determination
Special Meditations
2010 New Year Meditation
Special 2010 New Year Meditation Set
You are invited to practice this set every morning from now
until February 1st.
following meditation series will elevate, expand and transform
your energy. It will align you with the healing and constructive
forces of the universe. By devoting a portion of each day, from
now until February 1st, to this special healing practice you will
establish the strong spiritual foundation that will serve as a
constant source of guidance and inspiration during the course of
the year. You are invited to experience and share the following
meditation series with your friends and loved ones as you desire.
PART I: Warm Up
in any comfortable meditative position. Begin by rubbing the palms
of your hands together. When you start to feel increasing warmth
in your hands begin to clap your hands while chanting the
following mantra (one clap per word.) Continue for 1 minute. To
end, inhale, shake out your hands and exhale.
Hari Om Sat Nam Hari Om Hari
II: Warm Up (cont.)
Begin rhythmically clapping again (one clap per word) to the
following mantra. Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale, shake
out your hands and exhale. Try to maintain an even rhythm
throughout the exercise. You are stimulating the various
reflexology points located on the palms.
Hari Har Hari Har
Hari Hari Hari Har
Hari Har Hari Har
Hari Hari Har
clapping exercises unblock the energy channels of the body and
strengthen the life force, resulting in improved mental and
physical health.
As you practice parts I & II try to time each clap with a strong
enunciation of the mantra. This is especially true for part II.
Focus on the "R" sound while visualizing the brow point (space
between the eyebrows, just above the nose.) This will energize the
brain and stimulate the frontal lobe.
"Sat" rhymes with "hut", not "cat." The same is true for "Nam."
The "a" is pronounced like the "u" in "drum." The word "Har"
rhymes with "car" and Hari sounds like "putty."
III: Short Eck Ong Kar
in any comfortable meditative position. Bring both hands in front
of the heart center. Touch the index fingertip of each hand to the
middle finger of the other. The ring finger of each hand touches
the pinkie of the other. All of the fingers are relatively
straight and only the tips of the fingers touch. The thumbs point
straight up. Maintain a straight spine and relax the shoulders.
Close your eyes and gaze inwardly at the mid-brow point. Begin
chanting "Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahey Guru," following the
proper pronunciation, tone and rhythm as demonstrated in the Touch
of Naam and Seal of Higher Destiny CDs (see track listing below.)
To end take a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten your body
and exhale. Repeat 2 more times and shake out your hands above
your head.
hand position is called the Surbhi mudra. It is excellent for
sharpening the intellect and improving memory. It is also
beneficial for controlling inflammation. Please refer to page 55
of the book "The
Code of the Masters" for details.
Recommended Music:
Touch of Naam, track
Seal of Higher Destiny,
track 2
IV: Hari Har
in any comfortable meditative position. Bring both hands in front
of the heart center with the palms facing each other about 6
inches apart and the elbows bent and relaxed. Maintain a straight
spine and relax the shoulders. Close your eyes and gaze inwardly
at the mid-brow point. Begin chanting "Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari
Hari Har" 3X per breath. Continue for 11 minutes. To end take a
deep breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten your body and exhale.
Repeat 2 more times and shake out your hands above your head.
hand position is called the Tree of Life mudra. It is a very
potent healing symbol that will bring balance to all areas of your
life. It will take you beyond time and space into a place of
healing. Please refer to page 122 of the book "The
Divine Doctor" for details.
Recommended Music:
Sounds of the Ether, track 4
V: Sat Nam Hari
Bring both hands in front of the heart center about 6 inches away
from the body. Place the right hand on top of your left hand, both
palms facing up. Touch the thumb tips together. Begin chanting
"Sat Nam Hari Nam Hari Nam Hari - Hari Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Hari"
in a rhythmic monotone voice. Continue for 11 minutes. To end take
a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten your body and exhale.
Repeat 2 more times and shake out your hands above your head.
VI: Sat Nam
both hands at the heart center, fingers interlaced with only the
index and middle fingers of both hands extended upward. Cross the
thumbs. Close your eyes and gaze inwardly at the mid-brow point.
Begin chanting "Sat Nam." Continue for 11 minutes. To end take a
deep breath, hold for 15 seconds, tighten your body and as you
exhale laugh as loud as you can. Shake out your body from your
feet to to your hands.
you chant, keep the word "Sat" soft and short while elongating the
word "Nam."
Click to listen to a sample recorded during
a Naam Yoga class.
Recommended Music:
Naam Lounge, track 3
VII: Guru Ram Das
Bring both hands at the heart center, fingers interlaced (note
that this is similar to the hand position used in part 6) with only
the index fingers of both hands extended upward. Cross the thumbs. Close your eyes and gaze inwardly at the mid-brow point. Begin
chanting "Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru," following the
soulful melody recorded on the Touch of Naam CD. Continue for 11
minutes. To end take a deep breath, hold for 30 seconds, tighten
your body and exhale. Repeat 2 more times and shake out your hands
above your head. Take a moment to sit in silence to consolidate
your energy.
mantra is a prayer of humility that brings emergency saving grace
and spiritual guiding light. It brings protection and healing of
any physical, mental or circumstantial situation. This mantra will
invoke and develop in you the values which will be unbeatable in
the times to come. Please refer to page 221 of the book "Lifting
the Veil" for details.
Recommended Music:
Touch of Naam, track 2
Practicing this set during the early morning hours will cause you
to walk towards God. As you take one step towards the Divine, the
Divine shall walk 1000 steps toward you.